虚假解决方案(2分钟)Fake Resolution
When young writers write narratives, they often fall into the trap of giving their story an unrealistic happy ending. They start to run out of time and try to wrap everything up all of a sudden so that their characters can live happily ever after. The result usually feels artificial and a bit boring.
A fake resolution is a technique that tricks your reader into thinking that they are going to get a boring, happy ending and then steals it away from them, making the stakes of the climax far higher. When an examiner reads a story with a fake conclusion, they think that they’re getting an average run-of-the-mill narrative. But then they are shocked by the much more complex and interesting climax.
1. 设想一个虚假的解决方案
Come up with a fake resolution
Think of a way that your character’s problems could suddenly be resolved, and make it seem like this is what is going to happen. Make sure your fake resolution is a realistic one. You want to give your reader hope, not make them roll their eyes. When your character is faced with this possible resolution, show how relieved or excited they are.
Take that resolution away from them
Just as your reader thinks that the problem has been solved, take the resolution away from them. As suddenly as your protagonist thought they were saved, put them back into the difficult situation that they were in.
Demonstrate that things are just as serious as before
Once you have taken away the fake resolution, show that the situation is serious and tense again. Your character is probably now more worried about their problem than they were before, and so should be the reader.
Suddenly, over the sound of the wind, Laura heard the steady drone of an engine. She looked to the horizon and there it was, silhouetted by the sun: a small plane. The drone grew louder as the plane approached.
“Dad,” said Laura, “Dad, look!”
Laura’s father had seen it too.
“We’re saved,” he whispered.
They pulled off their jumpers and waved them in the air to get the pilot’s attention, Laura jumping up and down with all that was left of her energy.
“We’re here!” they screamed, “we’re here!”
But, if the people in the plane saw them, they gave no indication. The plane flew above them and then away, until it disappeared once more over the horizon, leaving Laura and her father in darkness. Night had fallen.
Using the plan that you made in part 1, write the “Fake Resolution” section of your narrative.
The climax is the most exciting, interesting or emotional part of your narrative. This is when your main character must face the problem or attempt to answer the question that you introduced at the start of the narrative. Normally in narratives you are asked to solve the problem for your character, so that the reader is left in no doubt about how the story ends. In a 15-minute narrative, however, it is a good idea to end at the climax so that the reader doesn’t know if your character will resolve their problem or not. This can be very powerful. This is called a cliffhanger. There are a number of ways that you can create an engaging cliffhanger to end your narrative.
End just as the character is about to say something. I looked from Mum to Dad, knowing that whatever I decided, I would hurt one of them. “Ok,” I said, “I’ve made my decision.”
End with your main character doing something dramatic, without letting the reader know if it works. The canyon was in front of me, cutting off my escape. The army had reached the top of the hill and would soon be in firing range. I could hear their shouts, hear the excitement in their voices. I knew I only had one chance. I walked a few metres back from the canyon. I estimated it was 3 metres to the other side. “I can do this,” I said to myself. I ran towards the canyon and took a giant leap into open air.
Leave your main character in a very tense and difficult situation that they are unlikely to get out of easily. I dropped my sword to the ground. The zombie was dead. I breathed a sigh of relief. But then I noticed the eyes. First one, then two, then dozens of them, looking at me from the darkness. I scrambled to pick up my sword. They approached, moving into the light. Hundreds of them, surrounding me. “Come and get me,” I said, raising my sword.
When Laura looked at her father, he was strangely calm. “You have to leave me here,” he whispered, “you can’t carry me. I can’t walk. You have to go, find safety.”
Laura felt cold inside and out. “You can’t give up,” she pleaded, a sob catching in her throat, “We need to look after each other.”
“Go!” her father shouted, “Please, for me. Go! Get out of here!”
The air was growing colder and the street was growing darker.
“GO!” he shouted, making Laura jump back in shock. She stood beside her father, the impossible decision turning in her mind, as the street faded into the darkness of night.